Monday, January 3, 2011

Simple Goals....

After hibernating for a week with Mr. A. during our 10 days off and partaking in big meals shared with company, such as this........(& Ritz Crackers) 

(also had ranch,cheese,olives and croutons)

(plus real butter-ugghh)

( see the fat on this guy-prime rib)

(twice baked potato casserole-oh my)...
Also desert....So you can see why my jeans are becoming painful...So I decided today I need to set three SIMPLE goals for myself.1.)drink more water 2.)walk for a bit every night even in the cold 3.)spend most of my time in the store in the produce focusing on the outer perimeter of the store(while staying on budget) with these three SIMPLE goals I believe that my garden work in the summer heat will not be such a chore, I must get ready for the summer NOW...So I am embarking on these new goals not as a resolution, but as something that must be done...Happy Tuesday to you all...


  1. you are doing a good job with your blog! loved the food pics! i am following your blog, you are welcome to follow mine, Ilove followers! thanks blessings, jane

  2. Thank you Jane, I have been following yours.I love it!I tried to send you a blogging question yesturday but couldn't get it to let me ask you a question.(like I said I am a bit computer challenged).There is that bar of little box's for Twitter,Facebook,Blog ect. at the end of my posts, after the posted by and time.What is it for?Am I suppose to be doing anything with it?I have so many questions...How do you get Followers?

  3. I agree with your strategies for healthy eating. But my oh my, that potato casserole and prime rib was to die for!!!
