Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve....

My name is Debbie, I am a mother of three children 24,22&19 and two grandson's 2 & 7 months.I am working toward my goal of financial freedom.I decided on this snowy Christmas Eve that I would gift myself the Joy of a new blog...I have always been such a fan of so many of your blogs this past year....I never started my own(not because I didn't want one,o' how I dreamed of a blog of my own) but because of my minimal computer skills...However I decided to go for it.I am so excited to get this started and to share with you all , I have so much more to do and add to my Blog but wanted to get it going....MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!


  1. Debbie,I am also new at blogging.I read your blog and really liked it!You sound just like about computers,and blogging,sorry I messed up there.I am following your blog hope you follow mine too, maybe I can send you some followers,most will follow you if you also follow them, everyone likes followers Blessings Jane

  2. Jane, Merry~Christmas...Thank you. I spent some time over at your blog.Great job!Thank you for the tip.Have a beautiful day:)
